In this section, some solutions that have become “success stories”!

These solutions enable to solve problems difficult to resolve with standard equipment or standard ideas, for this have become success stories!

Galli-Camera Climatica-Climatic Chamber-Gtest Light

Climate Cell with Phytotron Lights

Galli-Casi di Successo-Stufa per Handpan

Heat Treatment Oven for Handpan

Galli-Casi di Successo-Bagno Teflonato + Vasca

Refrigerated Bathroom and Teflon-coated tank

Galli-Made in Italy-Forno-Stufa-Oven-Custom-Speciale-Modello 5100-01

5100 Oven with Facilitated Loading and Unloading

Galli-Casi di Successo-Goven Top-Stufa-Oven-Carica dall'alto-Top Loading-Customized

Goven Top Oven with Charge from Above

Galli-Casi di Successo-Stufa-Oven-2100-vetrata

Oven 2100 Glazed with two rows of shelves

Galli-Casi di Successo-Climatic-Tets Chamber-GCT-UNI-9577X-Termostati-Prova-Thermostat Ambient-Gradient

Cell for Thermostats Testing Model GCT-UNI-9577X

Galli-Cella Climatica Accessibile-Accesible Climatic Chamber-GWalkin

GWalkIn Customized Accessible Climate Chamber

Galli-Casi di Successo-Bagno-Baths-SPL-Stainless Steel-INOX AISI 316

Special Bathroom, AISI 316 Stainless Steel for Clean Room

Galli-Forno, Stufa, Alta Temperatura Tempra-Oven High Temperature Tempering

Tempering Oven + 350 ° C

Galli-Casi di Successo-Galli-Stufa PTFE-Teflon-Oven

Oven with PTFE lined interior

Bagno per prove assorbimento umidità cavi elettrici, Galli, Clectrical test cable test

Bathroom for Electric Cables Tests

Galli-Casi di Successo-Stufa Forno ventilazione Forzata-Ovens mechanical forced air

Forced Ventilation Oven

Genviro Climate Cell with Holes Pass hands

Galli-Stufa-Oven-21SL-3 Cassetti

Oven with Drawer Shelves

Galli, Vacuum Oven, Stufa Vuoto, 21GV, Flangiata, GloveBox

Vacuum Oven for Glove Box or Hood

Galli-Flocculatore-Flocculator-Jar Test-GFlokku


An oven with opening a door? Easy. Two doors? Ok we can do. Three doors? Galli has a solution!

You have little space for a new incubator? Do you like a multiple chambers Incubator, with  multi-zone temperatures?

Furnace for inert atmosphere treatment and quartz tailored chamber?

You have to make a new test in a climatic chamber? Your climatic chamber will be too small?

New IEC, ASTM, DIN, … was published a you having to realize a tool according to the new standard or new European Directive?

Galli makes available all its experience and expertise to give shape to what is still there but you are looking for! For laboratory and for Industry.